All Things Nautical
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Charleston continuously pops up as the nation’s best in everything from good looks to quality of life. So it comes as no surprise that the Holy City is also the perfect spot for a regional in-water boat show.

While the Charleston Convention Center will again be home to the 34-yearold Charleston Boat Show in January, the Tri-County Marine Trade Association will expand its on-land show to an in-water event for the first time ever this spring.

Water enthusiasts—be they dealers, yachters or paddle boaters—can enjoy seaside displays and in-water activities at the In-Water Charleston Boat Show April 25–27 at the Bristol Marina at Brittlebank Park. Among other big draws, major boat dealers will show their shiniest models on and off the water while offering big discounts to potential buyers.

“We’ll have a demo dock so people can test ride some of them,” says Jacqui Bomar, president of longtime boat show management firm JBM & Associates. “Experts will be on hand to explain to visitors the latest trends in boating and fishing. Whether you can afford a new yacht or not, there’s something for every pocketbook.”

Designed to deliver all-things marine, the shows will feature not only yachts but also kayaks, johnboats and paddleboards. “Fishing experts will teach fly fishing, net casting and knot tying…just about anything and everything you can do on the water,” Bomar says. “With food vendors, activities for families and opportunities to learn new things, the shows promise to offer a real festival atmosphere. Even if you don’t own a boat, living in a place surrounded by water gives you the chance to be a part of the boating lifestyle.”

Charleston Boat Show: January 24–26 at the Charleston Area Convention Center. Admission is $9 for adults, $4 for kids. The Charleston In-Water Boat Show at the Brittlebank Park and Bristol Marina: April 25–27. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for kids. For more information plus a list of participants, visit

—Kelly Rae Smith

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